Research-with a more-than-human world
Research, teaching, and practice informed by -with
I engage -with as a philosophical paradigm for living and being in the world based on connection, rather than separation. To be-with is relational. To be-with is both embodied and affective. Because entangled in relations of researching/knowing/being-with humans, nonhumans, places, and encounters, are practices of care, shared responsibility, and ethics.

“If we are to break down the now infamous nature-culture divide, and our studies weave across it as we trace out the relational configurations and practices in the grounded world, then we have to insist that our approach will be as sensitive to otherness, difference, individuality in the realm of the non-human as it has become in the realm of the human.”
— Owain Jones & Paul Cloke
Tree Cultures: The Place of Trees and Trees in their Place (2002, p. 214)